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Howdy Simmers! I had to share this wonderful plane with you folks. I saw it some time back and fell in love with it in FS98'. Lost track of it due to numerous HD crashes etc. Anyway I found it again and tried it out in FS2K. IT IS FANTASTIC in 2K!!!! Watch the body of the ROTORY engine blur as it spins!!

Some of the models of this type of planes are difficult to land and take off, not this one. It is a wonderful flying machine!! TRY IT!!!

The author of this work is Fred Wohosky and his site is "Airfield
of Dreams" It is a commercial site in that there is a membership fee. And you can think of that as you will. This upload isn't an endorsement or advertisement for his site, but just to share an amazing plane with some simmers who may not have seen it!

Uploading this was entirely my idea but I did seek and gain Freds' kind permission......Craig "tailboom" Snyder